I began by priming the model grey with a spray can. Next I mix Army Painter (AP) Lava Orange with AP Oak Brown and applied it to the hair/beard, then did a quick round of highlights with pure Lava Orange.
The armor was painted with Vallejo Model Color Bronze and washed with AP Ink wash Strong Tone.
The axe head and wolf's head were painted with AP Plate Male Metal and washed with AP Ink wash Dark Tone.
The loin cloth was based with a 50/50 mix of AP Dragon Red and AP Oak Brown. Then highlited up with AP Dragon Red and AP Pure Red.
The pants and under shirt were based in P3 Coal Black. A little bit of Matt White was added to Coal Black for the highlight.
The boots were based in a mix of 50/50 AP Leather Brown and AP Fur Brown.
The leather bits were based in a 50/50 mix of AP Oak Brown and AP Leather brown. Little spots of AP Monster Brown were glazed on to give the appearance of wear and tear. They were then highlighted with a 50/50 mix of AP Monster Brown and AP Skeleton Bone.
The cloth under the arm plate was based in AP Uniform Grey and highlighted by AP Ash Grey.
The axe handle was based with AP Oak Brown and highlighted by AP Monster Brown. The wrapping with based with a 50/50 mix of AP Monster Brown and AP Skeleton bone. A layer of AP Skeleton Bone was added leaving the base exposed in the recesses, and finally a highlight of 50/50 AP Skeleton Bone and AP Matt White.
Next up is the face. It was undercoated in a 50/50 mix of AP Oak Brown and AP Tanned Flesh. Next it received a layer of AP Tanned Flesh to act as the base coat. The next steps the paint was thinned to almost a glaze consistency. A layer of 50/50 AP Tanned Flesh and AP Barbarian Flesh was applied, always trying to leave a little bit of the previous layer exposed in the recesses. Next was a layer of AP Barbarian Flesh to act as a first highlight. The second highlight is the unofficial AP color Elf Flesh (a 2:1 ratio of Skeleton Bone and Barbarian Flesh). Then a drop of AP Matt White was added for the final highlight.
To that finale highlight mixture I added two drops of AP Alien Purple and thinned it more with water. This was then glazed under the cheek bones and under the eyes.
Finally I glazed on some AP Wolf Grey around the mouth to look like facial hair stubble.
Next the hands were painted with the same steps as the face, with a tiny bit of the purple glaze applied to the knuckles of the right hand.
The armor trim was painted with AP Plate Mail Metal. The bronze armor was glazed from the midtones to the shadows with AP Monster Brown. It took 3-4 glazes before moving on. Next was 2-3 glazes of GW Rhinox Hide in the shadows. Finally it was highlighted with Elf Flesh.
The silver trim received a few highlights of Matt White.
The axe head was then shaded with a 50/50 mix of AP Matt Black and AP Wolf Grey. The outside of the axe was glazed with AP Crystal Blue to act as a reflection of the sky, while the inside was glazed with AP Lava Orange to act as a reflection of the hair. It was then highlighted with AP Matt White.
The boots were shaded with a 50/50 mix of AP Fur Brown and AP Matt Black, followed by a highlight of 50/50 AP Skeleton Bone and AP Fur Brown.
The arms were done with the same steps as the face up until the final highlight. Instead of purple added to the final highlight I added a drop of AP Dragon Red. this was glazed in the midtones. Then I made a mixture of even parts AP Monster brown, AP Necrotic Flesh and AP Army Green. This was glazed into the shadows and recesses.
A final step was to mix some AP Oak Brown with some GW Liquid Green Stuff and apply it to the legs for a fresh mud look.
Great job buddy. Nice a bright, an interesting base with plenty of detail too.